Saturday, 1 June 2013

Day 8-
Today's diet:
On waking: Hot water with a slice of lemon.
Breakfast: 1 slice of gluten-free bread and 2 scrambled eggs.
Morning snack: About 2 carrots worth of carrot sticks.
Lunch: Chicken 'burger' on gluten free bread with hommus and rocket.
Afternoon snack: 1 banana, peppermint tea.
Dinner: 4 falafel balls with salad (rocket, sheep's feta, olives) & hommus.
After dinner snack: Peppermint tea.
At least 2 litres of filtered water throughout the day.
Exercise: 2 hours of shopping?
Sleep: About 6 hours- awake for about 2 hours in the middle with an ill child.

I went to the produce market again today, stocked up on lots of fresh veg and free-range chicken and fish, did about 85% of the shopping there for $105, then I went to the supermarket to get the rest and spent another $70, crazy. Though, I did spend about $22 of that on supplements. I was able to get Milk Thistle and a B-complex right of the shelf. I'm guessing that I won't be able to find Lecithin so easily, so a trip to the health food shop is on the agenda for tomorrow.

So, after a week on the Detox how is my progress?

- My cough has lessened slightly.
- I now weight 107kg, so I've lost 2kgs, which is progress.
- My tongue still looks vaguely purple and has dints down the sides, so it wasn't the wine and no change there.
- I still crave sugar and coffee like there's no tomorrow and cheated today with a bite of a pastry that friends brought around for afternoon tea. I'm pretty sure this all has to do with my lack of decent sleep.
- On the progress chart where you can mark your improvement in areas such as bloating, headaches, exercise, insomnia, mental clarity, skin problems and a number of other things, I can safely say that only 2 things have changed, I'm slightly less bloated and I think my mood has improved or at least leveled out. I'm still getting headaches, but again perhaps because I'm tired.

Week 2 of the Detox Plan is really the same as Week 1- with the addition of regular exercise. I am supposed to exercise at least 3 times a week. I am going to try again to do some yoga but perhaps I'll have to try to do it at night. A bit tricky though, since that's the time that I usually spend on the computer or finishing laundry. I'm trying to find a few more active exercise DVD's to do with my daughter and also vow to take her to the pool at least once a week, since I get to swim around after her and get a bit of exercise there. I'm also going to try walking a lot more. I used to walk everywhere but since my daughter refused to go into a pram about a year ago, if we walk it has to be at her pace, which is slow and full of distractions. That is fine, but no good for exercise at all. I guess we'd at least be getting some fresh air.

Joshi also suggests having lunch with someone that you need to resolve an issue with or with whom you have unfinished business. I think about the people I might do that with and can't really come up with anyone. The only people I really have major issues with are the ones I'd rather were not in my life anyway, with everyone else I usually sort out issues or problems as they arise. He also reminds us that we need to do another liver flush (oh joy) and that we need to try to get 8 hours sleep a night. Well, I'm trying to.

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